Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Lost in Miskolczy
15 minutes.
I collapsed once more on a larger rock, grateful for it’s flat surface, too tired to move or even sip from a small crevice. I didn’t fight the arms which drug me to feet and shook my frame in irritation, and my voice refused to even murmur as I watched them leave. The clicks and splashes of their departure was almost a beautiful serenade, even though it meant my inevitable death.
Slowly I realized I was not as alone as I had originally thought, beside me hunched a large hairy figure it’s raspy breath wheezed as it took a few more steps then fell beside me. It growled, a low throaty sound, scraping and clawing at the rock while deep red eyes focused on me. "Larfanshi Gartani", or werewolf, one of the most lethal creature of Death Gardens.
The sudden departure of my companions now seemed quite reasonable, they were starved and tired, fighting such a magnificent beast as the one, which lay before me, would be suicide. Long fine hairs covered thick muscles, beautiful knife-like claws stretched forward and sharp white teeth flashed in the silver moonlight. Looking into the skeletal face of the Grim Reaper would have been less terrifying then staring down the crimson splashed throat of this huge demon.
I peeled my gaze away from the hairy form and looked towards the horizon, shafts of daylight were mildly visible, but the sun was far from rising. I had at least an hour before it would be considered "safe dawn".
"I don’t know your name, but I’ll tell you right now Werewolf… Death by your hungry jaws is far more merciful than the noose of an empire, I welcome this as a gift, you are my rather scary and misunderstood savior."
It gazed upon me with almost an unamused look, turning in the direction of my party as if vastly considering it, then returned a look towards me once more. Large, hairy shoulders heaved a sigh, then it shrugged almost half-heartedly.
"Do you honestly think I could eat you? Have you looked in the mirror lately? I’d rather have a meal than a teaspoon of skin. You are hardly an onion ring in the very appetizer of any small meal, don’t mock my taste, I’m not desperate. For your information I’m actually quite well fed, I mean unlike you I actually have some meat on my bones… and what the hell kind of speech is that anyway? I’m not scary, a bit misunderstood yes, but really do humans always rely solely on first impressions? How frustrating."
Monday, May 29, 2006
Misguided Hearts
Darkness floats as the encompassing blanket which wraps around as a tender love, bittersweet knives carved lovingly into beating hearts, very dark desire which burns that all of society will condemn. The sweetest kiss beneath the moonlight, slow and silken touch, your smooth oration dancing through my mind as graceful as the ballerina who poses for her audience. The only serenade we hear is the beautiful chirp of nature, crisp rustle of fallen leaves, and the crackle of a glowing fire. Our love is the swan which graces the mirroring waters of a lake whom holds with the greatest sadness a romance of the most delicate fatigue.
I’m confused at best, the thoughts which are gliding through my enlightened mind are nightmares, untold horrors which I dare not confess to my closest friend.
Today you touched my hand instantly silencing the quick murmurs and laughter in the hallways, I was terrified that someone had seen, yet excited that you would grace my hand with such a tender gesture. Thinking back my mind gleefully reconstructs the rough feel of your fingertips callused from hard labor, yet more tender than a fresh peach on a summer’s day. It is a bittersweet life when you are near, for my happiness is consuming, yet my heart is breaking all the same.
It’s three weeks ago, he’s drunk, and I’m well on my way of joining him. I can’t tell anyone what happened, I can’t even begin to think of what I really feel. It wasn’t my fault, I didn’t do this, that pleading look he’s giving me is nothing but an innocent stare. How can I sympathize or act when the only thing it will cause is equally dealt pain?
This light frame before me is nothing but a twig, readily snapped in the vicious fall winds, he is the china which must be shielded with a sturdy cabinet. But I am not that cabinet and he is not my concern, those pitiful looks and heart wrenching sighs are something, which I cannot even begin to recognize.
If I handed a knife to you, would you slice at my heart the same way your eyes slash at my open mind? I have tried to push away the growing desire to be held in your arms, to feel the strong steel of your muscles and hear your rhythmic heartbeat as I slowly drift to sleep. Who could understand such a powerful longing to be understood?
A steady tick of a clock is tolling down the hours, which I have left with you, small scrapes of our feet on a checkered board, we are but pawns in a viscous game. The lacquered earth beneath us is a constant mockery of our position, we are the sacrifice to a better cause, the justification for angry stares. We are useless tools in a game, which shall taste no victory nor hear a winning cheer.
Two weeks ago, we’re alone in his bedroom, he turns and slams a fist into the wall. Tears are pouring freely from his eyes, he’s lost his only girlfriend, and I am the reason. He’s furious and grateful all the same. His hand gushes, the blood is spilling all over, but he’s too numb to realize that even there. Without a second thought I pull him close and for one moment in our lives there’s peace and a sense of reason.
I can feel the steady shake coursing throughout him, he’s terrified that his future is slipping from his open grasp.
He’s slowly going insane because of me.
The moonlight is slowly fading as the very brink of dawn begins to grace the sleeping lands. The forest falls silent, a witness to our actions, slowly he cups my face in that small affectionate way. His lips press gently against my own, a sweet burst of heaven, the deepest taint of sin. The heavens love us, yet they frown in grief for such sweet lambs who wander from the path of simplicity, we have chosen our destined plight. If this were to cause our death, it would only be a sweet and melodic death of unaltered bliss, for only in death did Romeo openly welcome Juliet into his arms.
His voice is the harp of angels, it strums slowly within my heart as the only words which I’ve ever wanted to hear are spoken.
"I love you Alejandro."
"I love you too, Jordan."
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Let's Shoot For Nothing
Tell me what's on your mind
A penny for your thoughts
Everything simple
And everything is clear
Let’s not wait
We’ll play it all by ear
Tell me all your secrets
You’ve got nothing now to fear
But wait
All of this vindication, justification
Is drowning out all the sorrow
Spinning all of my thoughts
Into a giant whirlpool
You say, I can trust you endlessly
The sky is our limit
But what happens when we land on the moon
And discover what's really in it?
I don’t' know
I don't think I can relate to you
I think we're far too different,
I’m bi***y you're eccentric
Isn’t it just heaven?
Sweetheart, let's sit by the shining waters
I’ll reveal my heart to you
And watch you weep in pain
What’s one my mind?
A penny for your thoughts
And chocolate for your sorrows
Because what's on my mind is the farthest thing
From anything that could be you
What’s a friend in reality?
Is just a simile?
I don't think so
I’m selfish
But I love every moment
Sometimes I think you think I’m worth it
But truth never fails to bite
Right when you think it'll work again
Our future, I say f it.
You don't wanna come
Imagine life with just me
And it's really hell in reality
Tell me what's on your mind
A penny for your thoughts
Chocolates for your sorrows
And roses in hopes of some sort of devotion
What’s on my mind
Is commitment?
All of my justifications for why we're just not in it.
So call the sky our limit let's go right to the moon
Circle round race right back
Because who wants all that responsibility anyway?
ばらは大げさである - The Story Behind The Story
- It starts with the narration of a female character, approximately 18 years old, she's the "mom". To explain this now, although the story will later.... She was 16 when she had the kid. No she's not married to the "father of her child" i know i know... how blasphemous of me... tsk tsk. later on i'll probably try to get you as a reader to hate her, but until then... oh well. Anyway she's based off of the less logical and extremely emotional side of me.
- Now, lets see if we can confuse you. (j/k) This is about where her son Marik VonKonstantin comes in. He's nicknamed after Marik/ DVK he's about 2 years old. he's really not that important to the story at least not yet... he's just thrown in to make people go "awwwww." ... no seriously, that's why he's there. i know i know.. weird. He's based off of my kidlets Justin & Connor
- Okay now for the "dad", his name is Mikhail VonKonstantin after a certain muse's middle name/ DVK. He's 21, when the kid was born... he was 19. amazing how math works huh? Because of this character, this entire story has turned into a soap opera. *Sigh* such is life i suppose. He's based off of the extremely sensitive/caring sides of CHB/DVK and slightly Crinham, and some other ideas of people that i dont' know. This is the first male character i've tried to develop that actually owns feelings of compassion... break through i know! lol
- Why I chose the ages that I did: The age difference is symbolic of a lot of things like: such relationships do happen, and when thrown into a bad situation, things dont' always end up in a hollywood happiness.
- Oh and all the allusions to vampires are because i used to only write about the supernatural and mystical... Now i'm doing lifetime worthy stuff lol
So yuppers that's all i have everyone, hope you enjoyed it!
Monday, May 22, 2006
ばらは大げさである - Part One
The sun slowly slipped into the gentle embrace of the horizon, a sweet sonnet of romance majestically radiated in the vibrant hues of dusk, a lingering temptation to slip into a long awaited embrace stirred within. Leaning on this masculine pillar of stability had become a beloved habit of sorts, but to do so now would revoke many social callings. I could hear him talking about his life, the calmed voice almost pruning some of the horrors, it was the darkest and most open gift he could think to give.
Children romped on the grassy hills before us, laughing at the brightly colored slides and characters, adorable imps dancing and parading their last in the fading sunlight before they would be whisked off to bed to dream of happy thoughts and prayers. We were both watching the same little boy, his giant smile and ecstatic energy seemed to beam from his small figure, an innocent voice ringing out in pure velocity.
I gazed back up at him, his eyes were clouded over with visions from the past, small voices of doubt and reason ringing in his ears. He continued again, his voice was hesitant and lacked the blunt German influence, a softer more diffident version suddenly gleaming before me in the fading daylight.
"I want to talk about something… but it’s kind of awkward."
My heart screamed out to be heard, I suddenly had hundreds of things I was dying to say, but none of them could even venture forth to begin to become a sentence. My palms suddenly grew slick with sweat, my mind raced, it felt as if every last inch of control had suddenly been lost… and the most terrifying thing about it, was that it was a more vulnerable side I was ready to let Mikhail see. To hide the tremors of my hands I quickly shoved them down behind me on the rock and looked steadily at him, ignoring the rampaging thoughts and panicked heartbeat. Trying desperately to focus just on his pure sentimentality and sensuality, the beautiful smile, and smooth acoustic voice.
"I want to try again, I know this may sound like rebound, but I really want to try again… "
A wave of relief swept over my body, every muscle suddenly relaxed, and the very thing I had been stressing far too much over, was mutual. I longed to be held in his arms and feel the sweet strength and hear his calming heartbeat, smell his mesmerizing cologne and just relax into a helpless child that I was. I was sick of being responsible, and for just one more minute I wanted the escape that I had felt so readily in his comforting embrace once more.
But I couldn’t move, it was as if every limb was chained to the rocks on which we perched and nothing could even begin to move closer. The only thing I could manage was a small smile; I couldn’t even begin to express how much I had longed to hear those words, sudden flashes of what it would be like to suddenly be able to run to him for endless comfort seemed so perfect. The pure simplicity and extacy of being able to lean on one another instead of trying to stand alone… having my significant other back by my side as so much more than a simple best friend.
"I’d really like that too."
ばらは大げさである - Foreward
I pulled a school portrait of Marik from my purse and handed it to Mikhail, he studied it quietly with a small smile then looked at Marik who beamed happily and puffed his chest out. He tousled Marik’s thick blonde hair with his fingers as Marik squirmed and ran off giggling, then pulled out his wallet to put the photo in.
I went silent, it was as if my mouth had suddenly been glued shut by some invisible force. Right beside the new portrait of Marik was a family shot of the three of us. We were laughing and smiling at the camera, a truly happy photo. Some passerby would probably even call it cute, or something smarmy like that, but for me it was painful. It was the last photo we took together before… a darker time. Mikhail caught stare at the picture and quickly flipped his wallet closed, shoving it deep into his back pocket, his cheeks flushing a deep red.
"You look good."
He had such beautiful skin, the color and smooth elegance of peach china, his lips a soft raspberry. Mikhail had the entrancing appearance of a vampire, the slow seduction of distinctive features and striking eyes, and a gaze, which followed you well after he had departed. Even his voice rang out with a quieter mystique, chord played almost perfectly by an expert guitarist, he was the embodiment of my enthrallment.
He charged happily around through the grass, Mikhail leaned calmly against the peeling bark of a white ash tree, his collected gaze staring out at Marik as we approached, eyes lighting up at the very sight. I wondered if he could feel the same racing heartbeat as I when our eyes slowly met and that Hollywood grin rose on his face, simply being near him was enough to send my heart into somersaults.
an English tale when he talked about books and how his day had gone, he was the best part of both of us.
Mikhail continued on, his voice rising and falling in a quiet tone, dark eyes glued to our son as he talked. He may have appeared as strong and able as any hero, but he was still as young at heart as the child who played before us in happy bliss, a beautiful character of glass hearted love.
Doesn’t it seem ironic how the two most important males in my life… my little boy Marik and his father Mikhail…. Are also the most forbidden?
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Mom dragged me to a bunch of garage sales, mucho fun because i got a lot of new random stuff!
- A Music Box that plays a Swiss Melody, very pretty, and it has a lock and everything!
- six kabillion new stuff animals --- yeah i admit i really luv cuddly things (hehehe DVK) an original winney the pooh, original tigger, a new teddy bear, a new tiger, and a cute puppy.... now if i can manage to keep those from my little pugenese that'll be a miracle... lol!
- Irritating Pop Music which i really like... just realized that it's christian music, mildly ironic cosidering, but still fun
- a new necklace, DVK i'll show you monday sometime
So when i headed to kesslers, mum got a bunch more health food to throw me back on track for healthiness. thus i'm sitting here with a mug full of pina colada V8, and i have to admit it's pretty good. (yes DVK i also have the diet cookie chips... i know i know... sad... but i'm hooked now.. *tear* lol)
Well i'm gonna head off and write more on that other story woot woot!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Laws of Commoninity
- Oceanianic Commoninity- At this stage the couple does have everything almost perfectly in common. When they look at everything, from a flower to terrorists, they get pretty much the exact same image. Everything is the same in their lives, including loves and hates. You don't need to talk about emotions, because you have pretty much the same emotions about everything or perfectly understand the other person twenty four seven. usually very reliant on the sig. other to know EVERYTHING you want them to. They also tend to pick up on every single subtle mood change. This commoninity is rare in couples because it's boring as all hell, one should always spice it up. No passion what so ever.
- Lakeius Commoninity - The couple looks at everything and gets the same general idea... like positive or negative, happy or sad. etc etc. There are only a couple differences in love and hates, if they exist at all. When you talk about emotions, it's a calmer sort of talk that ends up in.. "well i didn't know that.. but now i do". This is based more on understanding and really just communication. This type of couple really likes to talk to one another, and will generally start off as a best friends or close confidants. Both people are sensitive, but at the same time bluntly realistic. This commoninity is somewhat more common, especially in couples who have lasted over 15 years. I don't know what it is about 15, but that's just the magic number... A lot of passion
- Shallowus Waterus- The couple occasionally gets the same notion about something, it's relatively close to the same ball park, maybe right in the parking lot. There are a lot of differences in love/hates. Talking about emotions can be a tricky subject, and is generally avoided if at all possible. If they do talk about something, it's generally about unrealisitic plans for the future, or very popular topics (aka movies, books, celebraties, etc) This commoninity is very common in younger couples. Occasional Passion
- Streamius- The couple is on completely different planes about everything. If you say baseball, one thinks FUN the other thinks WTF is that? There are barely any similarities in loves/hates and if there is a similarity, it's not for even close to the same reason. Talking about emotions doesn't ever happen because it will end in a fight. Talking about anything tends to be difficult, so one person generally dominates the conversation while the other one sits idilly by waiting for them to talk about something "interesting". They're views of eachother are very unrealisitc and generally skewed by hormones or the public perception of the other person. This commoninity is very popular in social relationships or hollywood
relationships. A lot of fustration, little passion. - Law #1: If discovered within the course of the relationship that you have a Streamius Sig. Other, break it off before something does go terribly wrong.
- Law #2: The worst possible senario that can happen, will happen in a Streamius relationship
- Law #3: in a Oceanianic Relationship, the amount of unhappiness is directly correlated to the number of months a couple spends together.
- Law #4: True Lakeius Commoninity will always spark devotion and love forever. This is your classic fairytale love, and lasts for a lifetime. In a best friend, this will usually mean that the friends never become enemies.
- Law #5: Any and all Shallowus Waterus Relationships can otherwise be coined as "flings" The chances of it working out are directly correlated with the chances of the entire galaxy converting to Nazism. VERY LOW.
I'll probably start posting in Japanese for a bit, if you want the english, email me. Maybe i'll feel generous. MAYBE. (probably not... wuahahahaha)
(always wanted to post that. heheh)
Friday, May 19, 2006
News of Sorts
- I got to see my little boy Justin today and we're fast approaching the summer volunteer work where I'll get to see him for three hours, four times a week! *celebrating!*
- Daddy VonKonstantin and I got some quality time together, worked a lot of stuff out, cleaned out the skeletons, and now are safely back on stable ground, where we should have never left in the first place. WOOOT!
- I'm SINGLE again! (And we're still friends)
- I'm finally gaining some weight back, really slowly, but surely! (damn you special K Diet... DAMN YOU!)
- Yeah, My mom's b/f needs a حمقاء life, he flipped out because Daddy VonKonstantin brought me home like seven minutes late, omfg. what a disaster. Yeah I'm probably in trouble again knowing psycho parents ,but this really isn't a big surprise. Not even really caring, it was worth it. Besides, according to my phone we were only about one minute late, so it's not like i did it on purpose... no wait, i always do this on purpose because in his eyes i'm this selfish little biyatch with no regard to life or the real world. Yeah. this is why i'm moving FAR AWAY. *muttering profanity* (DVK you can come, so you can cook for me. WOOT! lol)
- my grades dropped again, screw it.
Yup, not much, but the good definately outweighed the bad! *happy dance*
Monday, May 15, 2006
"Little Men Encased In Cold Plastic"
On withered battlefields damp with crimson
Fallen soldiers gaze inward at their enemy
Clutching empty guns in vain desperation
Somewhere deep in mud and snow
A solider cries for the comforts of his home
Each tear reminiscent for fallen troops he’s seen
In plastic tarpsthey stare mutely out
The cause for such ruthless violence
Dead with so many of their gentle friends
Little men encased in cold plastic
Know that hate is the only enemy to fear
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Coming Soon To A Blogspot Near You! It's not nearly ready yet tho, so don't bother going to it until further notice lol
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Attack of the Man-eating Flowers!
There's only one thing I have to say about the title of this post... THANK GOD I'M FEMALE. hehe.

Friday, May 12, 2006
Except that I really hate them with every passing day
They’re bold in their accusations of my hate
I could try to save a friendship but now it's much too late
They think their guilt will call off plans, with my favorite muse
inepts cannot even grasp the truth, with all my subtle cues
I hate that glassy stare I receive, that jealous look of rage
It seems every book that i may write, has traitor on every page
If I could cut one single thing I’d cut their egotistic throats
Throw them in with crocodiles in barren, ugly moats
Yet with all of this hatred I cannot leave them be
Because I know that deep inside they’re really just like... me
I have that bitter hatred, that look of complete lust
To tear and rip every stitch and fabric of their trust
I thought that I could believe them, am I not their friend?
But when I really think about it this game has got to end
I’ve got much better friends I know and a stability like no other
Yet if I go for all of that I’ll be just like my brother
So I’ll curse right at them, Tick them off, express my greatest rage
Because every little story here is just my prose upon a page.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Kuyip (Foreward)
(Hey All! This is a work in progress, so please excuse the roughness of this. It's based upon the ideal society that's so perfect its completely revolting. WOOT! This is just the introduction, I have yet to begin the actual story line... alas.. soo lazy lol)
Gleaming scales of silver armor flashed before the dictator, a quivering face tilted up slowly to meet the impenetrable gaze; the messenger’s eyes were wide with fear and his hands shook in terror. Plain silk folds of his garb spilled from the sides of his chest plate, the red fabric seemed dulled from repetitive washing, his hair was slick with grease and his mouth hung open in blatant disrespect. Slowly her hand raised above her head, beautiful smooth fingers snapped, beckoning the terrified man closer.
He walked as though condemned on the blue carpet before him, footsteps were padded, and the emblems of the empire shone around him in a mocking laughter. Silver ropes and decorations adorned each post and the sides of a glittering throne. Perched almost casually sat the dictator of Kuyip, her long hair was drawn back gently with silver ties and a flowing gown draped down the front of her throne. Although she held the look of innocence, there was almost something almost ruthless about her gaze, which ran chills down the back of the young man before her. This was not the look of a human, nor a god; this was the look of unadulterated power.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Coyote Hunny Bunny

Step Four: "finale" You went that extra mile for that special someone on prom night... you cut your hair sooo short.... now you're stylin in your hott car and ready to roll on prom night... and don't you just FIT the perfect image of a hunny bunny? of course you do! and people are DEFINATELY JELLIN'!
My Award! WoOt!
Now I'm getting this award in school too:
Language Arts Department Excellence in Writing Poetry Award
WOOOTZ! I get it officially tomorrow in this cute little cermony
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Coyote Hunny Bunny
Saturday, May 06, 2006
A deep desire glowing passionately in yellow orbs
Cutting words of sympathy and mockery entwined
The past so unraveled it ceases to simply exist
Gentle patter of keys in a chilled and whirring room
Silent hum of a computer screen glowing in the distant dark
Fingers stroke long course hairs quietly
The cement textured tongue flicks gently on a hand
My moments with you seems so distant, yet near
Our time together simply draining sand
This poem is going to be published in an actual poetry book!!! It's based off of one of my favorite muses nicknamed Coyote, woot! So yes, this is now the website of a soon to be published author! BOOYAHZ!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Perfect World

His calloused hand clutched hers for a moment, a little girl sleeping soundly for lullabies, a raggedy teddy bear held tight to her chest. Silk folds of hair spread across her face and neck, covers pulled to a small round chin. He sat for a moment by her, watching her small eyelids flutter, dreams dancing before her in beautiful waltz, clad in enthralling
ballroom gowns and beautiful tiaras.
Her chest rose and fell quietly under the sheets, her eyes slowly opened to the sight of the hunching figure. A small hand touched the sun damaged cheek, little fingers wiping away a trail of saddened tears. He pulls her close and whispers loving words into her little ear, they embrace, wrapped in an enchanting, and perfect world.
Facing The Wolves

My palms grew sweaty, knuckles turned a bright Casperian white as they clung desperately to the covers, I could feel each beat of my heart slowly fading even my breath stopped as my gaze frantically searched the darkened room. The leering crimson irises seemed to stare from every corner, taunting flashes of white teeth as they laughed silently at my terror, my ultimate fear…. Werewolves
Tonight was like every night, I prayed silently for my survival through just one more night, making many promises of good will and oaths of citizenship. Yet as my hand reached to grab my beloved teddy bear, the spot in which he normally dwelt lay empty, supporting only the small weight of my own hand. I tried to scream for my parents, they would run in the room and flick on the lights, chasing the hairy monsters far from the reaches of my little frame. A small squeak ensued; the once strong voice of a seven-year-old was reduced by fear and anxiety of a terror that my classmates mocked daily.
My teddy bear had once acted as a guardian to protect me throughout the long dark night, a companion of the utmost compassion and resilience, yet now in my desperate time of need he lay far from where we could sit and shiver together. As my eyes became accustomed to the darkness, his faint silhouette lay shrouded against my painted window sill.
What had once been a casual sprint now grew into a perilous trek, filled with endless boards of lacquered dark cherry and a thin glass shield from what harms lurked outside waiting for my small bite-sized frame to come into view. My parents wouldn’t be able to come in time when they heard the crash of glass and shrill scream of terror, I would surely already be long gone into the avenging jaws of muscular werewolf.
Teddy’s arms reached forward, a silent plead to be rescued from the morbid prison which now held his tiny existence in a velvet glove of hatred. I peered over the side of my bed, the light crème frills cloaking whatever beast lay in patient hunger, Teddy’s pleading look still haunting my thoughts. My heart began to race, it seemed every gulp of air was not enough for my lungs as I leaped from the bed, the smooth cotton touch quickly replaced by the empty void.
The hard thud of a wooden floor was my one chance to sprint, I ran as fast as I could, my hair whipping against my face and behind me as I turned and grabbed Teddy then stopped. Glowing oracles lay right beneath my bed, I could see the small spheres blinking in the darkness, it was waiting for me to approach the bed so it could reach out with a clawed paw and cling to my ankle, pulling me further and further under the bed.
Yet where I had expected to feel impending doom and controlling fear, I found simple loathing and unadulterated determination. I lightly tossed Teddy on the bed then yanked up the crème frills to stare my opponent directly in the face. Now was the time for resolution, I was tired of living in fear each night when I should be embracing the lulling beauty of night. Tonight would be the last night that wolves would haunt my sleep and disrupt my thoughts.
Kabuki, my tiny shitzu, gazed terrified at me from under the bed, the light of my night light reflecting off of his eyes. Laughing I scooped him into my arms and set him on the bed, for two years I had lay in fear of a looming darkness filled with wolves… when it had simply been Kabuki gazing out in the darkness looking for a comfy spot in which to lie.
Before I lay my head on my pillow and drifted slowly off to sleep, I said one more quiet prayer, the first that I could remember that wasn’t murmured in muddled fear or hasty worry. I had found the strength where I had found none before and faced the one fear which had truly hindered me. Now I could walk boldly in the night and stare directly at the creeping shadows for knew that nothing truly loomed in darkness waiting to consume me.
“We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”
Asraif The Lion

Flaked dirt crunched and crumbled beneath his worn paw, claws gently tested the earth, a tongue flicked over parched lips. The sun beat down, warm rays slowly cooking his aged skin stretched far over tired ribs. A pang of hunger and pain taunted his stomach of the last bountiful meal he had tasted, almost eight years ago.
Prey was no where to be seen, as was the way now in once plentiful Africa. Asraif, the last lion lay down beside a contaminated watering pool, staring at the big city lights before him. Once he had not known what people were, now they crowded him and buzzed around, hungry bees looking to destroy his home. Glazed golden spheres started gloomily out upon the prairie, every blade of grass seemed to be kinked with the boot of man, every home trampled, every prey killed. There was simply no more room.
Asraif lapped the tainted water slowly; a slow wince crossed the withered face, for this was not the water he had wanted upon a final day. The loneliness ensued, his breaking heart once more; the massive mane tilted towards the heavens and he roared the fiercest roar a lion could muster the roar of his ancestors who had owned the plains with their lionesses and younglings.
As he roared his pained story, man snuck up to him, rifle clutched tight in a greedy palm, fat lips puckering with vain satisfaction. Asraif the last lion fell to the ground, a shattered heart bleeding upon his chest with a single silver bullet shot directly through it. The lions ceased to be, and man walked on to buy another electronic toy, leaving a tired lion pelt to rot in the hot and poisoned plains.
The Legend of Mkristo
Not all children will sink into their beds with prolonging fear of the dreaded “Christian Conqueror”, for only those in East Africa know the wrath, unadulterated loathing, and startling jealously which once stirred within the heart of Mkristo.
The year is 420 A.D. Prince Mkristo was at the peak of his reign, with only a brother to dictate his path, he knew no enemies and never had the opportunity to feel the bitter twinge of defeat. This year would change many things for the noble prince of Kenya-Tanzania, for in this year he would fall from the very highest throne near God, to the very pits of purgatory.
The new Christian priest was infamous for his lust of power, lapping it up skillfully where he could, thieving and siphoning it where his golden tongue could not buy it. Prince Mkristo’s rising fame and love by his people soon became a sore and growing bruise that the Priest could not ignore. The Priest finally, with a fiery vengeance, had Mkristo excommunicated from the church he had served for 25 years, with faithful prayer and unfaltering faith. The Prince’s seemingly innocent existence had been wretched from his hands as he lost everything with the excommunication.
Upon the lone plains of East Africa, Mkristo had nothing but time to grow bitter and wretched for three months, each day his anger grew persistently vengeful. Soon the very blood which had once only run through a pure mind, boiled into a condemned mixture of hellish fire and immortal cruor. Mkristo had awakened his inner demons and as reward, Satan baptized him in his crimson tears upon the ides of March.
Upon the fourth month, Mkristo was driven to the point of insanity, reduced to ranting in the wilds of Africa, he began to plot. He traveled long hours until he came upon the village which had ruined his life and stared deep into its heart with crying babes and sleeping children. He watched the priest and waited, a satanic smile playing upon sanguine lips, the cool touch of metal pressing against his thinned thigh.
Midnight came upon them as a cloak, sweeping its long folds around them, hiding Mkristo in its darkest depths. Finally he stepped in front of the Priest, with an infuriated growl, his rage encompassing him till he could think no more. He slit his own tongue in to symbolize the words and meaning he had lost under the unrighteous excommunication, then sunk long fangs deep within the priest’s neck to solidify his new commitment to the devil.
Before his people he had transformed, eyes and mouth red with blood and merciless rage, his fingers blackened, callous with the life he had been exiled to. His five year old son turned in fear, cowering before the new demon of Kenya-Tanzania. He took a step forward, roughened feet clenching to the earth as a gargoyle’s to its post.
The priest fell ill, ranting incoherently for two mortal days and nights until death finally swept him away in mercy. Mkristo was forever labeled as “Satan’s Hand” by the children who were forever haunted by his hands covered in holy blood.
Dizzy with his new power over fear and exuberant over his seemingly magic blood, Mkristo set out destroy the Christian Religion in retaliation against the Lord he felt had condemned and abandoned him in his time of need.
His loathing ran so deep; he began to hate all things that reminded him of his purer youth and simpler ways, preferring to skulk in the dark night of Satan rather than be bathed in the warm embracing rays of God. Mkristo found ways to focus his mind to cause mutations to his body, to force fangs out farther, and sprout wings which were crafted with a demon’s hide from the very deepest depths of purgatory. Soon his grasp upon his new powers was so immense; he could retract his fangs and wings till he appeared no different from a normal man. Later on, no tale could surpass his abilities to fly and kill, except for the fictional tale of Dracula, the Romanian Lord.
Mkristo began to rely so dependently upon the blood of the pure and innocent, it became an elixir and he could not survive without bathing his tongue and throat in the warm liquid. With every victim he bit, they mutated or died, his power growing till he could sit within the outskirts of town and call to children, luring them out into the mysteries of the African night. Mkristo managed to successfully mutate or kill 967,293,495 men, women, and children in Africa alone. The untold damage and chaos he caused in other continents has never been documented, no victims ever stepped forward, nor bodies ever found.
Upon Mkristo’s 267th birthday he went to visit the last and dying heir to his once powerful clan throne. As he gazed at the body from rafters overhead, tears of blood streaked his face, and for the first time in over a hundred years, Mkristo slept without a single ounce of hatred or bitterness.
While he slept, the local priest came forth and bathed his sleeping body in holy water, in hopes to turn the condemned soul to the Lord once more. It is said that they found the heart of Mkristo lay in hard, shattered fragments within his immortal chest and his beautiful oration of demons can still be heard turning the blood of any pure soul to the condemned mixture of purgatory within a mortal night.