Monday, April 24, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006

Starfire, Mandi and yours truly posing for a cute pic!

<----- Justine and her sweetie boyfriend Sean posing in an uber awesome picture! (Below) Ben and Jo together at prom (Jo was so thrilled that Ben agreed to go with her!)

Friday, April 14, 2006
Coyotius Enamorius

This disorder is characterized by a significantly increased level of hormonal thoughts with relatively little link to educational requirements or future plans. Although it is more common among elder teenagers it is especially predominate in teenage males of the ******* family with the middle initial of *.
Symptoms (include but are not limited to): intense infatuation with a single female, constant thoughts about the said female, repetitive babbling about the female, the occasional giggle, unexplainable reddening of the face not linked to sunburn, a happy “the hills are alive” mentality, inhibited concentration to topics not relating to the said female, decreased consumption of Dew-ha,hindered appetite with usual signs of hunger, large metaphorical butterflies congragating in one's stomach, large speculation of the female gender especially the confusing mentality of that gender, the desire to dress up in a tux to appease a female for purposes of prom-related social events, and goofy grins with no relation to the topic at hand. In very severe cases subject will find themselves remembering the exact date and time of when the symptoms began, experience supreme denial about being adorable, and will begin to completely adore hugs.
Cures: Six cans of dew-ha, Granduer delusions, amnesia, and the revealing of your secret nickname if it is “Coyote hunny bunny the GREAT”
WARNING: May cause cases of Avazasiosus Crushionius Subject may feverently resist any and all cures due to the sincere love of the feelings associated with Coyotius Enamorius. Subject may also feel compelled to date a said female which will result in increased amounts of joy and increased occurance and severity of symptoms.
Symptoms (include but are not limited to): intense infatuation with a single female, constant thoughts about the said female, repetitive babbling about the female, the occasional giggle, unexplainable reddening of the face not linked to sunburn, a happy “the hills are alive” mentality, inhibited concentration to topics not relating to the said female, decreased consumption of Dew-ha,hindered appetite with usual signs of hunger, large metaphorical butterflies congragating in one's stomach, large speculation of the female gender especially the confusing mentality of that gender, the desire to dress up in a tux to appease a female for purposes of prom-related social events, and goofy grins with no relation to the topic at hand. In very severe cases subject will find themselves remembering the exact date and time of when the symptoms began, experience supreme denial about being adorable, and will begin to completely adore hugs.
Cures: Six cans of dew-ha, Granduer delusions, amnesia, and the revealing of your secret nickname if it is “Coyote hunny bunny the GREAT”
WARNING: May cause cases of Avazasiosus Crushionius Subject may feverently resist any and all cures due to the sincere love of the feelings associated with Coyotius Enamorius. Subject may also feel compelled to date a said female which will result in increased amounts of joy and increased occurance and severity of symptoms.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
The Legend of Edan Naugrim

Edan’s footsteps clicked amongst the sheltered grove, luscious fruit hung ripe, fragrant auras danced in the warm afternoon sun. She stopped in front of the blackest violet, then stooped and gently stroked its silken petals. The flower quivered gently in the warm heat and human touch, carefully she pulled the flower and cupped it in her hands.
Black violets are the most enchanting flowers upon the face of the planet, for only they can transform a human into one of the elves. Edan had waited almost an entire month in order to capture this bud upon a full moon in perfect bloom. Its carefully waved pedals shuddered against the warm night air, pollen sprinkling towards the cold concrete.
Edan waded into the cool pond, fully bathed in rich moonlight, then slowly ate the delicate pedals. A grimace crossed her face, the pedals were revolting, their taste wretched and sap stung as acid upon her tender throat.
The change was almost instantaneous, her body tingled with the unique magic and slow transformation. Her breath caught in her throat, hair swirled with the wind, whipping her face and slashing at exposed arms. Her ears began to roughly transform, she cried out in pain, it had not been like the elders had explained. She could feel every bone move, grow, spread, and every muscle remold. It was pain beyond pain.
Her eyes met the reflection in the pool, a faint smile touched her lips as she saw her Elvin figure, now beautifully complete. "I am… enchanting." Edan Naugrim fell into the watery embrace of the nighttime waters, never to capture another breath again. Her vanity had driven her to indefinable desires, which in the end could only hurt her beauty farther… No one is beautiful or enchanting when they are dead, not even a majestic elf named Edan Naugrim.