I'm falling in love, but in all minor keys

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Future.. As Told By The Short Lotus Flower

In the future it has been decided that it would be impossible for Mormons to take over the world by over population because in reality --- they're just not dominating enough and much too nice. Not to mention Mormon men have this horrible habit of not being attracted to Mormon women (as explained by fellow Mormon friends) Therefore, it can only be concluded that the rising fad of Buddhism will accidentally take over the world and then before the Christians can scream "heathen!" the world will be Buddhist. Buddhists will then realize they have taken over the world and suddenly fret because they're Buddhist and they don't want to take over the world, so they will madly try to convert some Buddhists back but in doing so will realize that in reality the children of their Buddhist unions should be raised Buddhist so this simply won't work. Therefore they will go into a thousand year meditation until they finally come to the conclusion that they must teach other religions to their children as simply options--- so they will try to use a new form of NBLB (no Buddhist left behind) to teach their children everything from paganism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc. In the event that this doesn't cause complete chaos because of the whole "separation of church and state" issue, laws will eventually become obsolete and it will be decided that all legal issues should be finalized by the lotus flower who will probably take a paid vacation and we'll be a bunch of lawless and meditating citizens....ANYWAY, moving on... As we know district funds tend to run out and some hurricane will probably hit making it impossible to fund NBLB so the Buddhists will come to another conclusion that really you can't control these things and they don't really DOMINATE the world because, duh, they're Buddhist and Buddhists don’t dominate anything... They'll simply admire their Buddhist world and enjoy the purity of it all. Occasionally there will be a "square sheep" Buddhist (because we don't judge on color, that's just plain racist and who really wants to be known as a black sheep? that just seems so dark and foreboding which really isn't a Buddhist ideal at all, so it wouldn't make sense in the future to say "black sheep"..) who will inevitably be Christian, but they won't last more then 15 years or so because they'll eat the forbidden fruit and choke or use the new found knowledge to over calculate cliffs and fall off them. Possibly they'll just eat the forbidden fruit and suddenly come to the realization that the forbidden fruit isn't the pits, but it does have pits, and "by gosh I don't know how to eat a pit..." so they'll most likely go into a large contemplation about this whole pit thing... thus starve to death because as we know scientists don't really have good eating habits when they're on a break through.. And most scientists can't differentiate between break through and hopeless.Then again I could be over thinking this completely and they'll eat the forbidden fruit (maybe make a forbidden fruit cake) and suddenly realize that they have a rather unusual hankering for something less symbolic... SO...they'll be walking down a path and a little Buddhist squirrel will get ticked because the big scary Christian will steal his food so he'll shake his little Buddhist paw and scream "DANG YOU! YOU STOLE MY BUDDHIST NUT!" I know... you wish your sane little mind worked such glories out as this!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


This is VERY big news! My stepdad hasn't drunk anything other than water for one week now! I know it doesn't seem like very much to some people-- but for me it's great because he used to drink waaay too much. (he's even starting to lose the beer belly :D!) Yup Super thrilled here! Everyone cheer him on for me, alrighty? WoOtness! this is like CONCEPT-S PECTACULAR! :D!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Sepos 2

You want the truth, then I’ll break free of this cage
They’d enjoy that wouldn’t they, my unbridled rage
Bitter resentment, loathing that’s what friends are for
My posse showed me this, but I can show them more
They have petty thoughts, bigot small town ways.
I see them plotting against me, counting down the days
Cringing as I drive that knife deeper, into their little heart
This slow and agonizing terror, is just a simple start
Call me all you want, I’m flirting, yes it’s true
Look at how it frosts them, he’d never flirt with you
My smile feels awkward my frizzled hair’s a mess
And yet of all of us, he chose me as the very best
Break your fingernails as you drive them in the table
I know your vengeful mind is far from being stable
I’m handing out consequence, you can’t back out now
I’ve already won and I’m going to let you know how
You plotted, but I did it better, I bet you never knew
With my innocent looks, I stole boy from each of you
Obsession, Prom, and Ego Boost, mine until the end
Because I learned from you, on how to be a friend