Love Always, Little Sister

Love Always, Little Sister
He always felt the guilt inside, i know because i felt it too
The stinging pang with every memory, every tear drop lost
I keep his picture by my bed, and wonder if he has mine as well
Does he ever think of Dad, of mom, but most of all of me?
I've memorized that day so well, of when we last met in memory
I can still feel the fabric of your shirt, see the glint of your glasses
But I could never hear your voice.
I think it hurt the most to know, we lost dad so long ago
and that even though you needed it, i wasn't there for you
I wasn't there to reminiss, or share his happy thoughts
We never talked about his books, or pens, or legal pads gallore
I can never directly say this, because that's really just who i am
I could never tell you how much I miss him desperately
and how somedays i just don't want to wake up without my dad
How it's such a bitter reminder to see my friends and their dads
laughing and joking around.
How i couldn't even look at my own cousin, because she still had her dad
I don't think i could ever tell you how much it hurt to realize
the one person that i needed most when i lost dad was you
But you couldn't be there, because we had seperate lives
it's true, i could never tell you these things directly.
But what i can tell you now, is how happy i was
I saw your baby girl, your beautiful wife, and smiling face
I got to hug you again, and joke about the bookmarks i "misplaced"
The best part is, for once, i could think of dad and it didn't hurt
I could see his smile and hear his laugh, and remember us together
So if i can thank you for nothing else directly, Thank you for being
My brother
So I'll sign this like i always do, with a little heart or two.
Just remember big brother, I love you
Love Always, Little Sister
Love Always, Little Sister
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